By applying for this job Робота в Польщі, you agree on your data processing for current and future recruitment proceses conducted by the copmany L.M. GROUP POLAND SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ in accordance with the provisions of act from 29 august 1997, about presonal data protection (Dz. U. from 2002, nr. 101, poz. 926 with changes). Filing the application form you declare, that the data provided by you is complete, consistent with the facts and it do not violate any third parties
Remember that your personal data convey is voluntary, in any case you have the right to get insights into them to correct or delete them. Demand to delete your personal data means that you forfeit from any recruitment process and will cause your data to be immediately deleted from the data base. If you don’t agree for this terms, please do not press the button „Apply”.